Sunday, July 19, 2015

Ultimate cocktail Organic Sulfur OS

Organic Sulfur , Organic Sulfur OS
Heat getting to you?  Not  feeling 100% ? Refresh yourself with the ultimate cocktail and zero calories. One teaspoon Organic Sulfur OS ,1/2 tspn  Willard's catalyst altered water  diluted into 8 oz of  filtered water , 1/8 teaspoon ascorbic acid ( vitamin c).  
This is the most efficient form of water available . Since water is one of the most basic and important factors  sustaining life , it stands to reason that anything  which  enhances it's role it plays would be beneficial .Basically the molecular structure of H2O is altered by a catalyst . As a result  it can help assimilate nutrients more efficiently , increase enzyme activity , strengthen the immune system and reduce swelling. The Cadillac of water cocktails, drink twice a day to Optimize Your Health.
organic sulfur os ,organic sulfur