Monday, May 18, 2015

Taking Organic Sulfur means detoxing first before feeling better

                Taking Organic Sulfur slowly and the Herxheimer Reaction
organic sulfur os, duke stevenson
Duke Stevenson  ,Owner Organic Sulfur OS

 When starting a regimen of Organic Sulfur people must allow their body to adjust to something it has been missing over many years. That means increasing dosage slowly, even when taking as little as a 1/4 teaspoon  per day for the first week . This is something new to your body . Everyone is different .Organic Sulfur is detoxing the entire body at once which is faster than your your body is accustom to removing bacteria,fungus, plaque, and parasites .
There is actually a term for this called  a Herxheimer Reaction which can occur immediately after starting a new medication. This is the response to the initial detox  which could include headaches, and flu like symptoms .Some people may have no reaction whatsoever  while others may feel sluggish for a few days to a couple weeks. Avoid increasing the dosage till these detox symptoms have disappeared. You may feel the urge to stop the treatment but it is the very Herxheimer reaction that is indicating the Sulfur is working. Some people have vivid dreams and increased energy so you may avoid taking at bed time. These are signs our Body and mind are starting to run more efficiently.

Dosage RECOMMENDATIONS for Organic Sulfur  OS

Proper hydration is crucial in Organic Sulfur therapy.

Filtered water consumption is always necessary for toxins to be removed in healthy cell activity.  Consuming Organic Sulfur amplifies detoxification therefore hydration facilitates the process.
Research shows chlorine and flourine, present in regular tap water from municipal water systems interfere with optimal absorption of Organic Sulfur.  Filtered and alkaline water consumption is highly advised.
Do not add Sulfur in water placed in the microwave to boil.  Sulfur vaporizes at 270F, microwaves operate at or above 400F.  Microwave use is not advised due to molecular changes in H2o.  However, if used, heat water first then add Sulfur.

Recommended Dose:

Daily dose, twice per day, 10 hours apart preferably on an empty stomach.

Beginner Dosage Schedule:

Week 1: Begin with ¼ teaspoon twice per day
Week 2: Increase to ½ teaspoon twice per day
Week 3: ¾ teaspoon twice per day
Week 4: 1 teaspoon twice per day
Build to 1/5 teaspoon per 100 lbs of body weight in following weeks by increments of ¼ teaspoon twice daily.  (For moderately healthy person)

Options to take OS

Option 1: Dissolve recommended amount in at least 10-12oz of warm filtered water. Consume.
Option 2: place amount directly into mouth and chew.  Consume 10-12oz of filtered water.


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