Media controls your health and eating habits.

Ed Bernay

Why do I now skip breakfast?

Instead, I hit the gym , throw around some weights and use a little caffeine to set my blood on fire. Who this Edward guy?…And what does he have to do with growing your Health ? Great question. You’re smart. I like you. I’ll get to that in a minute.

But first, lemme let you in on something. You see, you might not realize this…But your breakfast is an exercise in the art of marketing. And it might be the most successful marketing campaign of all time. The statement “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. Was dreamed up by a marketing team *gasp*.Yet most people don’t question it. Because stupidity is contagious.

Back in the 1800’s Breakfast was just leftovers from dinner. Then the industrial revolution arrived and needed factory workers up early so , a light meal of coffee , a pastry or cereal and milk was the norm Jump the 1920s…The Beech-Nut Packing Company wanted to sell more bacon. So they hired Edward Bernays.The “father of public relations”.The dude was a certified marketing badass. He pioneered the use of psychology in marketing. From government propaganda to Lucky Strike cigarettes. But when it came to boosting demand for bacon. He saw an opportunity at the breakfast table .

So Bernays asked his agency’s doctor (yes, his agency had a doctor on staff)…If a larger meal in the morning would be better for people’s health? The doctor said yes (I wonder if he had a motive *wink*).“More energy at the start of the day is a good thing.” He then had the doctor write to 5,000 of his closest doctor friends asking if they agreed. More than 4,500 wrote back saying they did. That gave Bernays his ‘hook’…“4,500 physicians urge Americans to eat heavy breakfasts to improve their health”…The newspaper headlines read what many of em also said bacon and eggs were the perfect hearty breakfast. And alas, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” was born. It was then drilled into the heads of the public so many times (through ads).They began to believe it.And it changed the eating behaviour of the whole world.This marketing stuff is powerful, huh? Before this, breakfast was not a standard routine as it is now. In fact, the Romans believed it was healthier to eat only one meal a day. And sometimes fasted for days at a time.

What’s the business lesson in all this? Don’t listen to the media about your health . You can see what works and what doesn’t after many years of trying different fads and advice. Your body actually prefers multiple light balanced meals. It’s not a garbage truck . Don’t treat it like one.